Friday, August 26, 2011

Our pets...

      My pet are fishes.I have too many fishes.The type of my fish is a Fishing line fish.It likes to swim and likes to eat fish food. It's very fat.I love it to much.
                                                                                                                                    By Mafuang.
     My favourite animal
  My favourite animal is tiger . most of animals are afraid of it . It is a very dangerous animal . It eat meat from many animals. In the part the tigers live in the forests . But now they are the zoos . People can see them too . Tiger can run very fast , so they can kill other animal fast too . Their babies are call tiger cubs . tiger cubs are very cute . their enemies are lions .  lions are stronger than tigers So when the tigers see the lions they must run away . But the cubs can't run fast so if they meet the lions they must stay in the trees . The trees are the safest places for them.
Written by Eng - -

        My pet
My pet are dogs . Their names are Lookchup , Bamee and Tomyum . Lookchup is an Alsatian . He is brown and white and his ears are stand up . he like running and playing . When he runs he is smart . Bamee and Tomyum are Siberian husky 's . They are black and white . they like to jumping and running around my home . Sometimes they drag me to play with them > my pets like to play with me . Sometimes I play basketball but they want to play football with me . Therefore , I should play with them because they will be happy . I love them very much.
Written by Zew

   My favourite animal/My pet
     My favourite animal is a parrot.It's very beautiful.It has many colour such as red,yellow,green and blue.It lives in the forest but some people feed it.My pets are fish and dog.A fish is one of my pets.I have many fishes.There are about 30 in my pond.My dog is black and brown.It's very fat,fast and cute.So I love them.
Written by Zui.

 My pet

My pet are dogs. Their name are Tualek and Chaba.Tualek is Chisu.It's very fat and likes to sleep all time.My mother gave to me for my birthday 6 years ago.Tualek likes to eat fried chicken with rice.Chaba is Bangkeaw,and  very fat too. Chaba likes to play with Tualek but, Tualek doesn't like to play with Chaba.Chaba like to eat all time.When I finish stadying at school and come back home.I like to play with Tulek and Chaba.I love my pets so much.

Written by Seung

My favourite animal
     My favourite animal is a dog.I love dogs because they are very lovely and it also very honest too.I have 3 dogs at my house. They are very good dogs.I you teach your dogs and take care of them,they will be very clever.Sometimes they dig a hole in the garden.This is very bad for trees.When I scold at them,they know,they look very sad,their ears and tails go down.
     Some people love dogs but they love them only when they are a puppy.When dogs grow up,they may not look lovely again and people will not love them any more.This is very bad.I don't like people that do that.
     Some people love them but they don't take care of them,don't play with them and that make a dog feel lonely
      I take of my dog everyday and play with them everyday.My dog are very happy and I am very happy too.

written by Pang
          My favourite animal : D
    My favourite animal is Macaw . Macaw has many color such as blue , yellow , red and white . Their bodies are long , about 85 cm. Body feathers are red , wings end and tail end are blue , wings feathers and tail feathers are yellow , cheeks are white , top snout is horn  , down snout is black and they have yellow eyes
    Macaws live in the forests in Mexico , Columbia , Peru , Bolivia and Brazil . They eat seeds , rice , vegetables and fruit . 
    I like Macaw because they are very clever when I teach them they learn very quickly and they have many very beautiful colors

written by Mudmee : ))

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